By Jason
Books/WEC International
Reviewed by
Clint Walker
Christians over the years have been blessed with the ministry of Operation
World and their production of an extensive prayer guide that teaches us to pray
for our world, while at the same time educating us to what is going on in the
world. That guide leads prayer warriors through a daily prayer routine that
helps them pray though the year for each country alphabetically.
Pray for the World is a more succinct
prayer guide from the people at Operation World. This abgridged resource will
be helpful for many people who want to pray for the world, but found carrying
around a book much larger than their Bible a little cumbersome. Pray for the World organizes prayer
themes by location in the world instead of by alphabetical order, thus giving
its reader a guide to pray for a specific region through going to a certain
section within the book. And the way it is organized lends itself to people
being able to use this prayer guide as a reference source for global prayer,
instead of a daily devotional guide. I really like it.
This, is a
great resource to use in the life of the church. One could easily resource
prayer groups, worship teams, and small groups with this guide to prayer. It
would also be a great orientation to prayer for people in your churches that are
considering short-term missions in an area of the world. I will keep this next
to my denominational guide for prayer and missions, and refer to it often.