Friday, August 06, 2010

Parenting Posts #3--The VBS Weeks

Quick hits about the week that was

  • This week brought VBS, and also the departure of my mother

  • Karis was very upset about Mimi (grandma) leaving on Tuesday afternoon for most of Tuesday night. She has slowly adjusted well.

  • Karis has been at 10th Street tots in the morning while I do VBS. This is more difficult than doing day care in the afternoon for me. I had her sleeping during most of my work time in the morning, and then took her to day care before. Now she sleeps very little and for shorter times after she comes home from day care, which makes it harder to get work done.

  • We have been slowly extending her bed time. Last night she slept from 11:30 to 6:30 without waking up. That is better than I did!

  • Much to both my disappointment and my relief when I am stressed with Karis, she has taken to sitting in her bouncer and watching tv for 30-60 minutes.

  • So far, other than a Baby Einstein video, Karis' favorite television show is Around the Horn on ESPN. Perhaps there is a reason why some people refer to her as "mini-me" (referring to me)

  • I am finding poopy diapers bother me less, as does changing diapers as a whole. Having said that, it does not delight me like it does my mother. And, I believe I will be in for a rude awakening when she starts eating baby food and solid food.

That is it from the parenting front.


Anonymous said...

I love all the time I get to spend with Karis,of course. The afternoons I've had her are fun because all the kids take a nap from 1:00-3:00, I enjoy that quiet alone time with her to play with her and ohh-and-ahh at her cuteness. Annette

amanda said...

Brilliant and the sharing of the knowledge is key. Thanks for the great post and excited to see your text published soon.
starting solids babies

larkswing said...

Ahhh sweet!You sound like you are adjusting to fatherhood just fine And diapers? I don't know that I found delight in yucky diapers - even before solid foods began (and you are right about solids;)) I think that is more normal ;)

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