Hearing God DVD: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God
Dallas Willard
ISBN 978-0-8308-3568-3
IVP Formatio
Reviewed by Clint Walker
Several years ago, I read Dallas Willard's book Hearing God. It was a game changer. I found it helpful not only because it was meaningful for me in understanding how God speaks to me, but it was also a helpful guide in helping the youth I was leading how God may be speaking to them to.
Several years later, with updates and further words, Hearing God is still a powerful book. Out of all of the recently deceased Dallas Willard's book, it is easily the most accessible and the easiest to grab a hold of for people in the pews. At the same time, the book is well-written and thoughtful enough that even scholars can gain something new and powerful through reading it.
Viewers that like Dallas Willard's work will love the simplicity of this gem of a resource. Inside the case for the DVD is a brief discussion guide. Each session begins with a lecture in a beautiful mountain church by Dallas Willard. Then, after his lecture, he has a conversation about the topic he discussed with Richard Foster and John Ortberg. After that, if the class wants to hear more, there is a "bonus" lecture from Willard. There is no real frills to the video, it is almost like you are watching a very high quality video of a class or worship service.
Having said that, Willard is always profound. The viewer will find several quotes and turns of phrase that they will have to stop and write down. And the additional discussion draws the viewer in.
This DVD curriculum is simple, intelligent and life-changing. If you like a flash and dash curriculum this series is probably not for you. But if you want wise words from mature Christians about how to have a conversational relationship with God, this resource is perfect for you.