Thursday, June 16, 2016

Book Review of A Commentary on the Psalms: Volune 3 (90-150

A Commentary on the Psalms: Volume 3 (90-150)
by Allen P. Ross
ISBN 978-0-8254-2666-7
Kregel Academic
Review by Clint Walker

I have just recently concluded a sermon series on the Book of the Psalms. It was rather surface level, but helpful for our congregation. Focusing on praying our emotions, we brought together the Psalms, emotional health, and the movie Inside Out. People enjoyed it quite a bit. I wished now that I had this commentary to further round out the depth of my knowledge of specific Psalms. Ross's commentary on the Psalms is nothing if not deep.

A Commentary on the Psalms begins each Psalm with a translation of the Psalm. The translation is rife with footnotes, often point out insights that are brought forward as the author compares the textual variants between the Hebrew translation (which are in the original language, but have later extant manuscripts), and the Greek translation of the Psalms (for which we have translations that are centuries closer to the time the text was written, but not in its original language). Ross's work here is thorough and well-done.

The next section in the study of each Psalm is explaining the literary, social, and historical context of each Psalm. There are times when this section can be especially enlightening.

After this, the Dr. Ross gathers an exegetical summary with an outline of how the specific Psalm is structured. This helps the reader get the big picture of the Psalm they are studying

Then, A Commentary on the Psalms moves forward with a traditional exposition of the text, taking each word seriously. This moves verse by verse, and sentence by sentence. Here Dr. Ross carefully teases out the essential details to know about what has been written.

Finally. the author includes some helpful hints for ministers and teachers seeking to both instruct about the Psalm, and teach people how to live the truth that each Psalm presents.

I recommend this book strongly for every pastor's library. It is really well done!

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