Sunday, March 30, 2008

New Vistas

Jennifer and I have accepted a new call to be the pastor at First Baptist of Fowler, CO. We are very excited about the new adventure ahead. We are now also grieving telling the teenagers and young adults goodbye in Colorado Springs.

Fowler is a church in the same cluster of churches in our denomination as the church in Colorado Springs. It is a small church of 30-40 in worship in a town of about 1200 people. It is a half an hour from Pueblo (about 100,000), a half an hour from the county seat of La Junta (about 10,000), and about an hour and a half from Colorado Springs. It lies on the open country that is Eastern Colorado and Western Kansas. It is right along the Arkansas River, and thus the community serves as an oasis in the middle of the arid part of the Colorado Plains.

The church is very sweet and supportive to both my wife and I. The older women adore Jennifer, and one of them has declared that she is already "adopting" Jen as her own. The vote was unanimous to call us, and we will be moving next month.

A new adventure is beginning!

So....Michele...that is why I have yet to answer your question....


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, my friend. Both of you will be such a blessing to the people there. May God richly use you to expand the Kingdom kind of life there in Fowler.

I just hope my story ends as well as yours...

I'll find out more on Tuesday about my possible future.

traci said...

Congrats! God bless you as you move and settle :)

Aphra said...

My heart skipped a beat when I read this- I am so happy for you :)

Erin said...

Wow, Tuck! Big news. Congrats :)

Gretchen said...

Congratulations!! How exciting to start a new adventure. I'll be thinking of you guys as you settle down in a new town. It should be exciting. =0)

Heather said...

Wow! Congratulations to you both! I'm sure this will be a real blessing for you both. I know God has many wonderful things in store for you and Jen!

Best wishes and I really hope that the move goes smoothly!

*SUPER HUGS* for you both!


Jason Bowker said...

Congratulations Clint! That is really exciting. I look forward to hearing great stories from this new avenue of ministry.

suesun said...

Congrats! I often dream of living in a small town with all kinds of people.... and then I realize that I would go completely NUTS! Hope it turns out to be just what you wanted.......

reliv4life said...

Well, Clintster!! Yea for you both!! Senior pastor I am guess, well actually only pastor I am guessing. How great for you both! I am sure you will be such a blessing to those people!! They have no idea what a gift you truly will be. God is good!

jecaad said...

I am so very excited about our new adventure and I'm glad that it will be in Fowler. I'm so proud of you!

rubyslipperlady said...

I am so freakin' excited for you guys! This is so awesome! hooray! praying for the transition for you all. hugs many!

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