Monday, March 31, 2008

Potential Cabinets of Candidates

I have decided to share a little bit about who I think each candidate should put in their cabinet. Here it goes.


VP--Bill Richardson
Secretary of State--Joe Biden
Secretary of Defense-Collin Powell
Attorney General--Bill Clinton or John Edwards
Chief of Staff--Tom Daschle
Press Secretary--Euigene Robertson


VP--Mike Bloomberg
Secretary of State--Joe Leiberman
Secretary of Defense--General Petraeus
Attorney General--Rudy Guilliani
Chief of Staff--Mike Huckabee
Press Secretary--????


VP--Barack Obama
Secretary of State--Al Gore
Secretary of Defense--Joe Biden
Attorney General--John Edwards
Chief of Staff--???
Press Secretary--Donna Brazile


Friar Tuck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jecaad said...

I see that you left Chief of Staff open for Hillary... maybe that is the job for Bill. :)

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