Thursday, December 18, 2008

HGTV Effect

Lately I have been watching HGTV. There are a number of consequences from watching several shows about home buying and home renovation:

1. You feel like you are smart enough to take on all sorts of projects when you are really not able to really begin.

2. You long to buy a home, even when you cannot afford it.

3. You start finding fault with the design of where you are living. Currently, in the parsonage we are in, each room had been revovated in a different era.

4. You learn the infinite value of a fresh coat of pain on about any wall.

5. You start wondering if you will ever be able to buy a home

6. You develop a strong distaste for people in their 20s and early 30s who seek to buy their first home and demand the PERFECT house.

7. You want to have a large account at home depot


reliv4life said...

All true...1) they always make it look so easy and simple to do 2)young people today seem kinda spoiled for the most part - like the deserve a house better than the one their parents raised them in for the past 18 years. I have friends with kids that are early twenties and they have built several houses and and upgrade each time...seems they will never be happy!! Or maybe they just need some contentment in their life. I don't know why, but HGTV drives me crazy - I really do not care for it - my mom watches it 24/7!! No wonder you two enjoy each other - you have the same taste in shows, weird.

Friar Tuck said...

I don't have a problem with building/flipping houses if you can build equity as you go along. After all, who wants to be in the same house for 10-20 years? I cannot imagine even living in the same state for 20 years consecutively. But it seems like there are all these buyers that are like...It must have a master must be in this neighborhood etc.

The most entertaining buyers last night was a gay couple moving from san diego to denver. That, to me, seemed a little more realistic.

Home Hunters international has all these people buying houses in Belize and the Caribbean and then commuting once or twice a month to New York or Houston or something. Crazy!

rubyslipperlady said...

My family is so sucked into this channel. We will watch it together for hours and talk all about it. It's fun bonding time before we break out my Dad's new Wii. Actually, I haven't done that in a long time since I don't live in the US, but that's what I'm guessing happens. That or it's the Wii first and then a breather with HGTV. Come on over and we'll all wii and HGTV together!

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