Sunday, July 12, 2009

If dreams came true,,,,,,

then I might be thinking about getting a doctorate someday

Doctor of Ministry
Ashland Theological Seminary

George Fox Theological Seminary

Denver Seminary

Bethel Seminar--especially the Strengths-Based Leadership

PHd Programs

Baylor University

University of Pennsylvania

Saint Louis Univeristy


Kim said...

I always said I'd think about getting mine once I paid off my MA. However, life and gumption have changed. And I'm happy - though may take some classes in a few years.

I look forward to seeing how God leads you and Jen!

stephanie said...

A friend of mine just finished his Phd at SLU in historical theology. He said it was one of the best experiences he'd ever had.

rubyslipperlady said...

I've decided that if Im still unemployed I'll start looking at my own PhD. We shall see.

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