Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Book Review of Love and War by John and Stasi Eldridge

By John and Stasi Eldridge
ISBN 978-0-307-72993-4
Waterbrook Press

John and Stasi Eldridge have written several books that focus on the matters of the heart. Wild at Heart encouraged men to discover a manly, passionate faith that they could give their lives too. Stasi Eldridge’s Captivating addressed women in a similar fashion. The couple’s latest book, Love and War: Devotional for Couples attempts to challenge men and women to turn their hearts toward home, and to discover the marriage that they have always wanted.

For the last six months to a year, my wife and I have been seeking a devotional for couples. We found that many of the couples’ devotionals were difficult to relate to for us. One devotional assumed a level of formality that we do not share as a couple. Another devotional was written by a well-to-do middle-aged couple from the suburbs. We are a working class family in the country. It was very discouraging finding a devotional for couples that was straight-forward, down-to-earth, and that we could relate to. Then I discovered Love and War by John and Stasi Eldridge.

Love and War is so encouraging. It is most encouraging because it raw and honest. It begins with the statement, “marriage is fabulously hard”(p. 3). The rest of the book is peppered with thoughts like “Being married costs you everything…”(p. 22), and “Life wears marriages down” (p. 55). The Eldridge’s state it like it is, but they don’t leave their readers there. Instead, they challenge their readers to fight for healthy marriages, to throw their lives into loving their spouse, and to do the hard work that will make their marriage a joyful, live-giving witness of God’s grace to the world.

There are several other helpful things about Love and War. First, it is a manageable 8 week spiritual adventure for couples. Also, each devotional is both brief and thought-provoking. The book is small-enough to even fit on a couple’s nightstand to read together after they have gone to bed. John and Stasi Eldridge have another stellar book on their hands that will help people see the world as a world full of hope and possibilities. What a blessing.

**a complimentary copy of this book was provided by Waterbrook Press for an honest review.

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