Wednesday, March 30, 2011



By Sibella Giorello

ISBN 978-1-59554-535-0

Published by Thomas Nelson

Marketed by Litfuse Promotions

Reviewer Clint Walker


In THE MOUNTAINS BOW DOWN Sibella Giorello brings us the next installment in the life and investigations of Raleigh Harmon. This is the fourth book in the series.


For those of you have not read Giorello's novels, in might be helpful to introduce you to her protagonist. Raleigh Harmon is a forensic geologist, and has also become an FBI agent. She has a habit of falling into cases that are more complicated than they first appear, and stumbling onto clues to solve mysteries as she goes along. Many of her cases end up having some sort of complications with people in power, which leave her more vulnerable than a typical investigator.


THE MOUNTAINS BOW DOWN follows the aforementioned formula. Raleigh Harmon and her mother were on a much needed vacation. Early one morning the cruise ship staff comes to ask for Agent Harmon's expertise on an investigation of a missing woman. They soon discover a woman has died on a cruise travelling up the Inside Passage of Alaska. The security staff on the cruise ship quickly rules the death a suicide. Agent Harmon believes this declaration to be faulty, and sets out to seek the truth. And the adventure of this mystery begins.


As usual, Giorello spins an excellent story with lots of twists and turns. Agent Harmon is smart but flawed, intelligent and sometimes lacking in common sense, and completely lovable. She is the kind of protagonist the reader can identify with, admire, and root for.


I am coming to enjoy how Giorello uses her novels to describe, promote, and admire places that she loves. In previous novels she has described Virginia and Washington State. This novel, of course, describes Alaska. Her description of Ketchikan is especially well done. The author's biography shares that she has lived in the states that she talks about. As she writes her novels she is a stellar ambassador of her home places. I especially was excited about this one, since I have also lived in Alaska. Unfortunately, I lived on the other side of the state from where Harmon is doing her investigation.


I am not much of a flatterer, so listen closely to this endorsement. I believe that the Raleigh Harmon series by Sibella Giorello is one of the best mystery series' out there of any sort. It is an easy fun read that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Grab a copy of her books and read them. Especially THE MOUNTAINS BOW DOWN. You will not be disappointed.


*This book was provided by the publisher via Litfuse in exchange for an honest review.

1 comment:

Sibella said...

Because I know you are not a flatterer, I will say this: I adore this review.

Gramercy, Friar Tuck.

Your humble scribe,


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