Saturday, January 04, 2014

Book Review of Love to Stay by Adam Hamilton

Love to Stay: Sex, Grace, and Commitment
by Adam Hamilton
ISBN 978-1-4267-5951-2
Abingdon Press
Reviewed by Clint Walker

Adam Hamilton is the lead pastor of Church of the Resurrection in suburban Kansas City. He is a gifted teacher. Much of the resources that I have used from him have to do with studies of the Holy Land, although I have looked at other things he has put together as well.

In this book, Hamilton puts together a book (which has an accompanying video series) on marriage called Love to Stay. It is based both upon some basic Scriptural principles, and a study that Hamilton's church commissioned on love, sex and marriage.

There are several things to love about this book. Hamilton has a writing style that is clear, straight-forward, and thoughtful. The book is a quick read. It is a great "tune-up" book on some basic principles on having a growing, healthy marriage. The reader will find nothing earth changing with Hamilton, but they will find good, solid, biblical teaching with a contemporary tone.

Another thing I appreciate about what Hamilton does is that throughout the book, he shares parts of his own personal story. He does not do so to the point to where he makes the book about him and his experiences, but he shares enough that the reader can know that the guy that wrote the book on marriage is someone they can relate to.

I plan to use this book and curriculum, at some point, as a curriculum piece for a couples ministry. Perhaps even for premarital counseling. It would also be a good basic check-up on marital health for couples ministry.

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