The Weight of Mercy: A Novice Pastor on the City Streets
by Deb Richardson-Moore
ISBN 978-0-85721-229-0
Lion Hudson
Reviewed by Clint Walker
Occasionally I am sent a book that I lose track of for a while, and then I find it and discover I am supposed to review it. At that point it keeps getting put further and further down the review cue. Unfortunately, that is what happened to The Weight of Mercy. Having had a chance recently to look it over, I wish I had been able to share it with you sooner.
This book is about a woman who was a journalist who was called to ministry. She eventually accepts a call in an inner city ministry. While there she has many ups and downs. She thrives and grows as a minister, and has several unique adventures and stories to share along the way. Pastor Richardson-Moore's story is compelling because she is a Baptist, an inner city minister, and a minister in the Deep South, which makes the combination of other factors all the more interesting.
Richardson-Moore writes like the former journalist she is. She tells a story well. She gets her facts straight and her story clear. She reports. Their is not much preachy talk or embellishments in this story, it is simply one person sharing their unique journey.
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