Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Book Review of Real: Becoming a 24/7 Follower of Jesus by Jamie Snyder

Real: Becoming a 24/7 Follower of Jesus
by Jamie Snyder
ISBN 978-0-7642-1099-0
Bethany House
Reviewed by Clint Walker

Real is a book about living our faith from the inside out, every day of the week. The premise of this book is a question the author was inspired to ask himself. That question was, "Would people know I was a Christian if they did not see me at church?"

From this initial question Jamie Snyder begins by making the case that the Christian faith is not about Sunday, but rather about what we do the rest of the week. After making this case, Snyder espouses certain values, attitudes and behaviors that are hallmarks of authentic Christians that live their faith visibly and attractively in the world around them.

The book is pretty simple and straightforward. Having said that, the book has questions and answers at the end of every chapter, and would make a fascinating discussion for many church groups. And, it is well-organized enough that it could be easily adapted for a teaching/preaching series.

This book is both instructional and informational, and will be very encouraging to many believers in Jesus.

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