Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Reverend Green Thumb

A couple months ago, I considered whether having plants was too big a commitment for me. With as little time as I have, I wondered if I could really invest a lot of time in caring for some houseplants.

After careful consideration, I made the plunge into being a plant owner. I have found that I enjoy them more than I thought I might have at first. They make my apartment feel more like a home, and maintaining and caring for the plants is great for stress relief. I can just focus on the little things I need to do in caring for the plants, and forget about the stuff that is happening at work.

Here are a few of the plants

This first plant is my mother's choice from her visit this summer. She kept saying she wished she had a bigger pot to plant them in. I have a bigger pot now, but I prefer to save those for my plants instead of my annual flowers.

The second picture is a very poor image of something similar to a rubber plant. Will be great inside during the winter this year!

The third picture is not an aloe vera, but it is something in the same family. It is a little darker green, and seems to be a popular plant this year.

One of the tricks I have learned with houseplants is that if you want something generic, you can pic that up at Lowe's or Walmart. But, if you are looking for a plant that is a little bit more special, you are better off going to a nursery. I got this lupine at the nursery. I had to prune it back to only two shoots, but now look at it! It even has a flower that is starting to emerge.

I wanted a flower box or two for my small patio. Mom went shopping with me when I was here. I picked about 3/4 of the flowers, and then mom started taking over the whole project. Our combinded tastes went pretty well together, although I think she would have wanted a lot more fragrant plants. She did the arranging with the flower boxes. Looks good doesn't it. Both my mother and father have a good eye for such things.

This is another unique plant. It is some variation on the pink quill section of the bromilead family, although the quill looks more red and yellow than pink. This is one of the few versions of this type of plant that are potted. Many others of them don't have roots, and get their moisture from the air to grow and survive.

This plant is my sucess story. I got it with maybe four leaves on it from Walmart, but look at it now. It just keeps growing and growing.

More pictures later....


Aphra said...

My mother gave me a very 'needy' plant a few months ago and I have been working hard to keep it alive (only one mind you!) Luckily, if you neglect it, it does spring back to life, I've found.
I love the lupins we have here- not sure if that's the same as your lupine or not.

seethroughfaith said...

You have the gift of nurturing

Oricon Ailin said...

Awesome!! The plants are lovely. I wish I had more windows and stuff to put flower pots and stuff in front of.

I had a little peace lily plant that I loved, but without enough sunlight, it withered. I'm not great at taking care of plants. I think I over water them. hehe

But, great job!!!

Gretchen said...

Those plants look like they really are cared for! I wish I had the gift of keeping plants alive!!
Glad to have you back. =0)

David Cho said...

Wow, and a green blog.

I am trying to keep my lawn alive. Does that count?

rubyslipperlady said...

Well, done. It doesn't surprise me that you are enjoying the plants and being 'homey.' It's just you. Perfect fit!

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