Jen and I voted by mail this evening. It was an interesting experience. In the process, it brought up issues of a fear about whether our votes would be counted, but at the same time a similar sense of excitement in a little more open aptnosphere.
First, there was the fear. This came up in some ways for both of us. It is strange putting a ballot in the mail, and wondering if it will get there. When you do it at the polls, you watch your ballot go into the box or on the computer. When you do it by mail, you wonder if your ballot will even get there. And if they will lose it or something from the mail box to the machine that counts it. It was kind of strange.
Second, I had seen some publicity about how especially with mail ballots, republican powers that be were finding all sorts of ways to disqualify ballots. When I saw Jen's ballot, it was interesting to see how hers was different than mine. First, her political party (Democrat) was written on her label on her ballot. Mine (Republican) was not. Why is her party identified and mine was not? Then, her ballot instructions were poorly copied and illegible. Then, there was the fact that she intentionally did not register for a mail ballot, and yet got a mail ballot anyway. Finally, her envelope was addressed on the back side of the envelope instead of the front. She is convinced she is going to be a disenfranchised voter--in her mind just like the ones in Florida in 2000.
Oh... and don't forget the "secret sleave", mine being blue (dem) and yours being red (rep). Don't want to sound like the crazy dem with all her conspiracy theories... but come on :)
I didn't know you could vote by mail if you were not overseas. I don't think they have voting by mail here except in regions that are too far from polling stations.
I had a lot of crazy dreams last night- you and Jen were even in one! I guess eventually if you read my dream blog enough, you get an honourable mention in my dreams. Nice work!
ok the part about the candy was crazy/funny, but the HUMMING was very interesting. The humming seemed to indicate unity. That you guys are sitting in a place of unity. It's really hard for me to describe feelings in dreams, but it was very peaceful.
I have a mail-in ballot, but plan on delivering it to the Clerk and Recorder's office today, rather than putting it in the mail. The discrepancies you mention make me nervous.... did you call anyone about it? Like maybe the Obama headquarters to let them know? Or the elections office? I don't know.....it's just too weird.
I did an emergency write-in because my absentee ballot hadn't arrived and I was getting nervous. Kansas then lets you scan and email your ballot. I got a response from my country clerk saying that it was recevied. Whether they count it? Gotta have faith.
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