Sunday, October 29, 2006

Book Lust

Every once in a while I need to make a list and confess about all the books I have been lusting for bust have yet to make my own. Here is a recent list of books I want

Waking Lazerus
Five Disfunctions of a Team
What Happy Companies Know
Never Eat Alone
Day with a Stranger
Forty Million Dollar Slaves
Rick Warrens Bible Study Methods
Reflections for Movie Lovers
Hip Hop Church --E Smith
Laughing Pilgrims --Macy
It Came from Within
Wild Man, WIld Alaska by McElven
Importance of Foolishness--Manning
Kill the Indian, Save the Man--Churchill


Brotha Buck said...

Hip Hop Church sounds interesting.

Anonymous said...

Hey, would love to get together when you come out to my neck of woods. I can't find your email address though. Where is your profile page?

Email me -

rubyslipperlady said...

Good list, some are on mine as well. Have It Came From Within. Great book.

Dreaming again said...

Hey! soon you'll be able to add "Friday Fellowship" by Peggikaye Eagler to that list. (proof corrections already in ... I have an ISBN number!!!)

Anonymous said...

five dysfunctions is really good, but you've got to use it with the whole team

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On Getting Out of Bed By Alan Noble IVP  ISBN 978-1-5140-0443-2 Reviewed by Clint Walker Have you ever gotten a good night’s sleep, and stil...