Thursday, December 07, 2006

Something stinks about this.

Most of us have some sort of gastrointestinal struggles while travelling. If you happen to become malodorous as a result of these struggles, it is still important to follow safety rules on our friendly skies. If you click HERE, you will see an example of someone who lacks a little common sense.

(ht to marko)


Anonymous said...

I don't see the link!

Anonymous said...

I tried to comment but it didn't seem to work!
She must have been pretty sheepish!

Drea Inspired said...


but here's my question, why should you be allowed to bring FOUR books of matches on a plan if you can use about asking for trouble.

Drea Inspired said...

i meant CAN'T use them

Brotha Buck said...

Oh my goodness, my worst nightmare.

San Nakji said...


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