Thursday, February 08, 2007

Top 5 Technology

I have been thinking lately about how the nature of technology has changed our lives. I began to wonder, what are the top 5 technological inventions that have changed our world since 1850. Here is my list. Tell me what you think...

1. Birth Control Pill (dhanged nature of family in Western world, economics etc.)
2. Internet (ecomonic, social impacts)
3. Modern Transportation (jet plane, auto)
4. Modern Farm Implementation
5. Refrigeration (for food but also air-conditioning for homes)

What would you add? What would you remove?


Erin said...

Sanitation. Nothing beats the flush toilet, dude!

SUPER said...

Perhaps debit/credit cards...

San Nakji said...

TV. It has changed the way we view the world. Think about how the Vietnam War was influenced by what we saw...

jecaad said...

Medical advances... immunizations, medication, procedures. All leading us to someday become bionic...

rubyslipperlady said...

sanitation and media are huge.

David Cho said...

Yancey's new book on prayer?

Anonymous said...

washing machine :)

Book Review of On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble

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