Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Things like this always happen to me

So I am out golfing with Jen on Saturday (she won), and I was playing my best hole. I drove the first shot right in the short fringe on the edge of the fairway. I hit the second shot just below the green, and was about to attempt to pitch it up on to the green for a beautiful par.
All of the sudden I hear a golfer yell "FORE". They were close enough I stood up from my stance, looked up, and looked around a little. All of the sudden I hear a THUD as the golf ball hits my stomach. No bounce. No warning. A sizzling tee shot right in the gut!
It did not hurt too bad at first. I bent over because I was stunned and the blow seemed to half knock the wind out of me. Jen, who heard the thud from about 100 yards away ran over to see if I was ok. I said, quoting Chris Farley, "Well, I think that might leave a mark!"
The rest of my golf game fell apart, not so much because my body was in pain as my mental focus on doing anything was shot.
The bruise was about the size of my fist by Sunday morning, and has slowly grown to be a little bit larger than a softball.
Why do all the strange things like this still happen to me?


Anonymous said...

Wow! That has got to hurt! Did the golfer at least buy you a beer!!?? When I was a kid I was out golfing with my step-grandmother and she sent a shot right between my legs. That smarted a bit! I think she meant to do it too!

Gretchen said...

That is crazy! I've always sort of wondered if that ever happened. I mean there are a bunch of people hitting little hard plastic like balls long distances, somebody's bound to get hit at some point. Too bad it had to be you!

jecaad said...

Really when you think about it... out of all the places for the ball to go... it found you to hit.

Anyways, it gives you a good excuse as to how you lost and I won! :)

:| raven |: said...


are you okay????

San Nakji said...

It makes for a good story!

A friend of mine was playing squash (raquetball) and the ball hit him right in the forehead. He had a round bruise there for a few weeks. It was very funny to look at!

SUPER said...

Yep...I can visualize it all. That would have happened to me too..only I woulda got beaned in the head! ha

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