Thursday, February 07, 2008

Books I Completed 2007

Mike Devries had a post not to long ago about books that he had read this year. I thought putting out a list would be a good idea, but my list looks small. Unfortunately, I have started a lot of books I have not finished this year.

I suppose that is ok, I worked hard, dealth with a church split, fell in love and got married. Those are all good things, and big priorities. But perhaps I need to be a little more disciplined this year in my study and finshing what I start.


Dwelling Places--Venita Hampton Wright


Evil and the Justice of God--NT Wright
Christ Plays In Ten Thousand Places--Eugene Peterson

Sexuality and Homosexuality

Welcoming but Not Affirming by Stanley Grenz
Homosexuality and the Christian Faith by Walter Wink
Sex God--Rob Bell

Church Leadership

The Gospel According to Starbucks--Sweet
The Purpose Driven Life--Warren
Organic Community--Myers
Celebration of Discipline--Foster
They Like Jesus But Not the Church--Kimball
Healthy Congregations--Stenkel
Walking the Small Group Tightrope--Willow Creek
Leading Life Changing Small Groups--Willow Creek


Starfish and the Spider by Braufman(?)
Death By Meeting by Patrick Leconi

David Studies

Leap Over A Wall by Eugene Peterson
David: A Commentary by Robert Alter


reliv4life said...

Still looks like a pretty hefty list to me! Do you ever read any novels or fiction? Just curious. I read about one non-fiction to about 4 fiction...can't overload my little brain after all!

Friar Tuck said...

I forgot the one fiction book I remembered reading.


Book Review of On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble

On Getting Out of Bed By Alan Noble IVP  ISBN 978-1-5140-0443-2 Reviewed by Clint Walker Have you ever gotten a good night’s sleep, and stil...