Friday, May 23, 2008

Celebrity Drama

It was sad to hear the tragic circumstances of the death of the adopted child of Steven Curtis Chapman. I feel awful for the kid who ran her over, who is going to be scarred for life.

However, it is very interesting that we get fixated on this tragedy because it happened to some famous Christian musician who is insanely rich and famous. Why are even we in the Christian community so fixated on drama about people who have won popularity contests and thus are minor Christian celebrities?

I suppose it is easier than thinking about people suffering under the grind of poverty and oppression in our little parts of the world, and worldwide.


reliv4life said...

I think I identify with this having a 15 yr old son and a 6 yr old daughter - I know it would be something he would have a hard time living thru. Just because they ARE rich and famous we shouldn't exclude our empathy and prayers either, that is discriminating in the opposite direction, right?

Grandma and Grandpa Benson said...

Adopted daughter? What was the point of that distinction?

Some 15 year old? I know that our assumptive worlds are very individual . . . however I missed your point here . . .

I have been reading long enough to know that you are not unkind or insensitive . . . I don't believe this reads the way you intended it to.

Kim said...

I was struck by the tragedy. And restruck many times, reading the comments on the blog written by SCC'S schedule manager. So many people (regular ordinary people) wrote in about loosing a child. I kept thinking - we are loosing too many children!!! There is too much pain out there!

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