Sunday, May 01, 2011

Battle of the Bulge: A Day Early

I went to weigh myself in a day early today. We had to do a little grocery shopping, and I am wanting to run errands tomorrow in Pueblo.

I lost two pounds. Last week I lost one. This brings my weight loss up to 64 pounds total. I am frustrated because I am not losing big chunks of weight, but happy I am continuing in the right direction. I keep hoping for that big week to magically come along like it has before. I guess I might have to be more committed to make that happen.

This is especially true considering last week. We had a couple waves of company, which meant eating out in places I would not normally eat, and having more unhealthy food in the house. All in all I think I managed the situation well. I also had the added benefit of eating earlier in the evening, due to family visiting from more eastern time zone.

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