Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Book Review of Authentic Church by Vaughn Roberts

Authentic Church: True Spirituality in a Culture of Counterfeits

Authentic Church: True Spirituality in a Culture of Counterfeits
Vaughn Roberts
ISBN 978-0-8308-3798-4
Intervarsity Press
Reviewed by Clint Walker

According to the forward, this book was born out of a specific situation in the author's life. Early on in his spiritual journey, Vaughn Roberts was told that he needed to have a specific spiritual experience to demonstrate to himself and others that he had an authentic and growing Christian faith. He asked his mentors, and he studied the Bible.What he found was there were many counterfeits of authentic spirituality. As he grew more mature in his spiritual journey he began to discover that the book of I Corinthians was a good guide for identifying healthy spirituality, and for avoided counterfeit imitations of true Christian spiritual maturity. The book Authentic Spirituality is a book spawned by this study of Vaughn Roberts.

Authentic Spirituality is, in fact, both an exegetical and topical study of I Corinthians and concept of faithful Christian spirituality, and the places where we often get off track and/or deceived about what the Christian spiritual journey is all about. Each chapter covers a specific issue, and has study questions at the end of each chapter that both cause the reader to review the text of the book and to dig deeper into the Scripture passages that each chapter summarizes.

I enjoyed reading this book. It is a fresh take on the book of I Corinthians with a very clear focus. It is also wise in how it connects issues in the early church with challenges that our churches and our church cultures face today. I think it would be a great book to use in a Bible Study at some point. As a pastor, I also think it would be a helpful guide for a preaching series on I Corinthians.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

First weeks in Hot Springs, SD

There have been several things happening at United Churches of Hot Springs, SD. Some have been fun. Some have been challenging. But, thanks be to God, I have not had a boring day yet.

There are several things that I love about United Churches:

  • I love that we have both a contemporary service, and what might be described as an informally liturgical service. I feel like each week my worship gets to run the gamut of Christian tradition, and I get nourished in each service in different ways.
  • I am feeling like my preaching is well-received. I am staying strictly Biblical, and people seem to enjoy the kind of teaching I have to offer. In both services I feel like I am finding a groove and connecting with folks. 
  • We have enjoyed some of the little things people did to make us welcome. They brought by meals as we arrived. They cleaned and painted the house. This made Jen happy. And "when momma is happy, everyone is happy"
  • Many of the new people I meet are intriguing to me. This is true of my ministry is the community as well as my ministry within the church
Some of the challenges are:
  • Negotiating expectations. The board is not meeting until March. They are eager to let me be me. This is nice and thoughtful. It has also created challenges. It is clear they have expectation. Yet, it is also difficult to figure out what those are.
  • My timing. This is a strange time to move to town. People are snowbirding, many of them just heading out in January for weeks or months. Many of our church leaders are gone on a mission trip this week. Another set will be leaving for the second half of February. Our administrative assistant's husband had a brain aneurism. So I have felt a little lost, and like I am on an island the last 10 days or so. 
  • Adapting to the United Churches structure. In some ways, it feels overly structured. In other ways it feels loosey-goosey. All in all, I have yet to put my hands around how the church runs and feel at home with it. But I am sure that will come, and my understanding will grow.

A little video on Hot Springs from the chamber of commerce--slightly dated

Friday, January 27, 2012

Book Review of God at work by Gene Edward Veith Jr.

God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life
by Gene Edward Veith Jr.
ISBN 978-1-4335-2447-9
Crossway Books
Reviewed by Clint Walker

Many people see their job as a burden. They work hard, but they see what they do to make a living as burden instead of as a joy and a calling. Dr. Gene Edward Veith believes that this approach to our work and our lives is not what God has designed for us.

Veith believes that we all have a call and a purpose for God. The work that God has designed for us to do should find its way into how we do our jobs, order our family lives, participate in our church, and enjoy our leisure.

Veith then goes on to discuss honorable and not so righteous ways to live out the gifts and calling that God has given us. We can abuse our calling unethically, and we can neglect the gifts God has given us.

We also need to be prepared to suffer in carrying out the purposes and callings that God has given us. A lot of people give up too soon, and miss out on God's blessing because they don't say committed to who God made them to be when the going gets tough.

This is a thoughtful book, and a nice introduction to a Christian philosophy of vocation. I am glad to have it as a resource.

Book Review of NIV Once a Day Bible

For years I have had Tyndale's "One-Year Bible" on my shelf. Several times I have been led by this tool to read through the Bible in a year. Several other times I have stopped short. Zondervan's "Once a Day" Bible is the same, with a few minor variations.

The differences between the "One-year" and the "Once a Day" Bible will help guide you on which Bible is best for you. The "Once a Day" Bible orders its readings by days you have read the text, as opposed to ordering the readings by the calendar year. For many this will be helpful. You can start reading through the Bible at any time of the year, instead of feeling like in order to do the One-Year reading plan right you have to start on January 1.

Both Bibles give their readers and Old Testament and a New Testament reading each day. The Once a Day Bible gives its readers an excerpt from EITHER the Psalms or the Proverbs. The competitor we described earlier gives you an except from both each day. I think this is a matter of taste. I prefer the way this "Once a Day" Bible orders the wisdom texts.

Another uniqueness of the Once A Day Bible is the brief devotional thought that is added at the end of each days reading. I think this will be encouraging and helpful readers.

All in all this will be a helpful book in allowing Bible readers to make their way through the whole story of Scripture, and I would recommend it to anyone seeking to take on such a noble endeavor.

Book Review of the NIV Life Application Study Bible (2011 Edition)

Life Application Study Bible NIV

As most of my readers know, the NIV has updated their translation of the Bible in 2011. They integrated much of their work with the TNIV into the new NIV. Included in the 2011 New International Version of Scripture is inclusive language for humanity (e.g. humanity instead of mankind, not using the male pronoun when speaking of  people in general etc.). I think it is a needed correction, and the NIV reads well. The new NIV also made some needed changes in readability, using conversational English instead of borrowing the overly formal and somewhat stilted phrasing of versions like the RSV or KJV. It is a good change, and I think the new NIV will be a great tool for communicating to the next generation.

The NIV Life Application Study Bible is a re-release of the Life Application Study Bible with updates for the New NIV. That means that the publishers updated the text, some of the notes to correspond with the language of the text, and they also updated the concordance to match the new version.

Still prominent in the NIV Life Application Study Bible are the things that made is so popular in the first place. Those things include:

  • Extensive study notes
  • Guidelines for teachers and church leaders for use of the study Bible and teaching in general
  • Helpful introductions to each book
  • Insightful charts
  • Explanations of difficult issues that arise in passages in a thoughtful and even handed manner
  • Several charts and diagrams to better help the reader understand what is happening in the text and how to apply it
  • A Harmony of the Gospels
  • A 365 day reading plan appendix
  • a small bible dictionary
  • helpful maps at the back of the Bible.
  • many more helps and guides
I would recommend this Bible to a new believer seeking to understand and apply God's word. This study bible combines easy to understand helps in understanding with the great new NIV translation. If you are looking for a new Bible, pick this up.

Book Review of Reading Revelation by C. Marvin Pate

Reading Revelation: A Comparison of the Four Interpretive Translations of the Apocalypse
C. Marvin Pate
ISBN 978-0-8254-3367-2
Kregel Academic and Professional
Reviewed by Clint Walker

No part of the Bible is more debated on its meaning that the book of Revelation. Several pastors, teachers, and leaders have avoided the text because it is fraught by so much interpretive diversity and controversy. Even Luther said of Revelation that he could "in no way detect that the Holy Spirit produced it." (see Wikipedia on the Luther Bible)

C. Marvin Pate takes the challenges of understanding Revelation head on with his bookReading RevelationThe text begins with an introduction to the four major schools of interpretation (preterist, historicist, idealist, futurist). The rest of the book is goes verse by verse through the book of Revelation.

The bulk of the book Reading Revelation is presented as a spreadsheet. On the far left is the Greek text. Then there are four more columns for each of the methods of interpreting the text. Each of these interpretations has an expanded translation of that verse, amplified to express that specific perspective's interpretation of what is being said. Some times the entire text says the same thing. At other points, the diversity of interpretive viewpoints becomes more clear. 

I thought this text was intelligent and informative. The author's point of view is not played out in the text--he does not push you toward his point of view. Instead, each way of reading the text is handled evenhandedly. I tend to be, for the most part, a partial-preterist and a partial-futurist. But, as I read, I came to value some of the other insights that other ways of looking at this text might have to offer.

Furthermore, as I read the introduction and then read through the book, I was impressed at Pate's passion for the study of the book of Revelation. He obviously loves the complexity and challenges that reading revelation holds, and wants to share that joy with others.

If you are curious about how to understand the last book of the Bible, this book is a must-have for you. I am glad it sits on my bookshelf.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Book Review of Missional Worship by Cathy Townley

Missional Worship

Missional Worship: Increasing Attendance and Expanding the Boundaries of Your Church
by Cathy Townley
ISBN 9780827216440
Chalice Press
Reviewed by Clint Walker

Much has been written in recent years on the "missional" church. Much of this discussion centers around how churches are trained to see themselves as missionaries, and see the church as a mission center that equips people to go out into the world with their Christian faith instead of as an organization that people should join out of duty and obligation.

Into the mix of literature on this movement, Cathy Townley submits her discussion of Missional Worship. Rev. Townley has developed a through book of equipping a church to outreach through worship.

Missional Worship is a book with two parts. The first part discusses a philosophy and some basic methods to develop a missional worship service. These include a clear target audience, some key networks that a worship leader has formed relationships within, finding some key leaders that will advocate for and help build your worship service, developing a prayer team, as well as some helpful hints in building a worship team.

The second part of Missional Worship focuses on the "nuts and bolts" of what a missional worship service needs to have in order to be successful. For instance, how do you develop a leadership community of worship leaders without making it into another committee people serve on? How do you create a quality worship service without degenerating into a performance model of worship and church life? How do you deal with transitions in a worship service that does not degenerate into an "insider experience" or on the other hand feel choppy and disjointed? These are all important questions that Townley seeks to answer.

What is most helpful about Townley's teaching is that a worship leader needs to have a worship lifestyle. If a pastor or a worship leader is simply a showman, and he/she does not live the truth they are teaching, people will know it and see it. But if the person is authentically prayerful, authentically passionate about their faith, and authentically active and hopeful of reaching unbelievers, that will pass on to the congregation as well.

There were a couple of things I struggled with in Missional Church. I thought for a book that talked about "missional church" the author spent an awful lot of time a 1980s church growth model of outreach. I also thought the author wrote a lot like she might speak during a seminar, and I got the impression she is a better teacher and workshop leader than writer.

All in all though, there is a lot of good advice in this book, and some helpful hints for those designing a worship service that is hopeful of reaching unbelievers. I took much of it to heart. I am sure others will be benefited by taking Townley's advice to heart as well.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Special Blessings

Today, I made several visits with homebound people who live out of town.

I visited Evelyn. Evelyn is not feeling well. Her husband just passed away and she is facing several health concerns. It was a nice visit. She was so sweet to me as I left her apartment. She has been good to us, and she feels like I have been good to her.

Next I visited Helen. Much of our visit was about her sharing her memories, and asking about folks in the church and its general health. As I left, she said, "Before you came we prayed for who God would send us. That God would send us a good pastor. You were an answer to prayer. Yes. You were an answer to prayer." That about moved me to tears.

Then I visited Dudley. Dudley and I visited for quite a while. He shared several stories about his upbringing, as well as about some things that are going on in his heart and mind after moving in with his doctor. As I left, I gave Dudley a hug and told him I loved him. He smiled. Then he started to cry, as he often does. "You have been a good pastor, Clint. We have had several good pastors. You have been one of them."

I left my visits feeling blessed and encouraged by each person I got to see.

I stopped at the Loaf and Jug on my way back to the house. I ran into another pastor in town. He kept putting his head on my chest saying I could not leave. Then, he stopped and said he would be against us leaving if it was not such a good opportunity for us to grow in our ministry to leave. He then shared things he appreciated about my ministry. He said, "I have heard you. You are a GOOD preacher Clint. I have always loved to hear you preach."

Each person blessed me that I saw today. It made me feel good. It made me sense that God had blessed me and my ministry here, even though I have sometimes doubted it.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Our next to last weekend in Colorado

Today, we spent our second to last weekend in Colorado. Because I had the week off, we decided to go to Colorado Springs and worship at my old church, First Baptist Church of Colorado Springs.

It was nice to be there, and to see a lot of old friends. Many of them had not met Karis, so it was fun to show her off as well.

After church we went with our friends Freddie and Dawn Martinez to Old Chicago's. I had some Italian Nachos. It was a lot of fun.

I was surprised how much different the church felt as a worshiper instead of as a staff person. People were friendlier than ever, and it felt good to reconnect with everyone. There was none of the judgement and hard edge that I experienced as a staff person. I felt, as I sat there, that as a member I could really enjoy being at this church.

We then traded in my shirt that was sun damaged at Casual Male XL and headed home. It was a nice day.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Book Review of The Essential Guide to Healing by Bill Johnson and Randy Clark

The Essential Guide to Healing: Equipping All Christians to Pray for the Sick
by Bill Johnson and Randy Clark
ISBN 978-0-8007-9519-1
Chosen Books
Reviewed by Clint Walker

I believe in healing. I also have a hard time with the charismatic movement, and its overemphasis on the sensational works of power in people's lives instead of the everyday workings of God's grace. So, I got a copy of The Essential Guide to Healing to stretch my thinking and expand my horizons.

I thought this book started out well. The emphasis on sharing testimonies was an especially appropriate entry point to begin a conversation about healing ministry.

I appreciated the authors' considerable effort to communicate a theology of healing. Many books on healing selectively pick a few Scriptures, and then load the rest of their book with anecdotes that make themselves and their friends superstars. This book has a little more depth than that.

To be sure, Johnson and Clark do share lots of stories.They also take on some difficult objections to the kind of healing ministry they do. I disagree with some of their assumptions and practices, but I also believe that their ministry comes from an honest, faithful, and good place.

While I appreciate the author's lack of exclusion by eagerly attempting to say that everyone can practice healing prayer, I believe that this attitude does have some dangers. Specifically, I think when one says that healing can be done by anyone, it is small step to say it is normative for everyone. When this happens, it can become easy to beat people up for not being healers, or create a caste system in the church. This is not what the authors intend, but it could be a logical outgrowth of their teaching if students of this book are not discerning and careful.

This is a worthwhile book to own, and one that I will pass on to friends.

Book Review of A Study Guide to Calvin's Institutes by Douglas Wilson

Few works of Christian theology compare with the Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion. The Institutes is a brilliant, systematic explanation of Christian belief written by John Calvin, who is one of the founding fathers of the Protestant Reformation. A Study Guide to Calvin’s Institutes is a teaching tool meant to help lead everyday people through this magisterial two-volume work. This book is written by Douglas Wilson, who is a pastor-leader at Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho. The book is well-thought out, however, its presentation is a little too austere for most readers.

At earlier points in history, people were taught faith tenets catechistically. This means that students were taught questions and answers to memorize, allowing students to absorb a tremendous amount of content. This was especially common in the Reformed Tradition, including such documents as the Westminster Shorter Catechism, among others. Embracing this traditional form of education, A Study Guide to Calvin’s Institutes is a huge catechism meant to summarize the content of Institutes.

Although I admire the austerity and the insensitivity to marketing concerns of Douglas Wilson in writing this book, I believe it is a little too old-fashioned and formal for most readers, even if they are attempting to be students of the Institutes. Hundreds of pages of questions and answers are a rather lengthy summary of an even lengthier text. Half of the fun of reading such a wonderful work such as the Institutes is slowing down enough to figure out what the book is saying. The questions and answers extract all the beauty of the text for a quick summary of the facts, which is disappointing for me.

If I were to use this book in a teaching setting, I would use A Study Guide to Calvin’s Institutes as a voice in the room to launch discussion about each section of the book.  The catechetical format would be helpful in laying down a standard from which readers of the Institutes could then begin forming their opinions in agreement with or opposition to Wilson’s interpretation.

For a theology lover like me, this book will be a lot of fun to have on my shelf, and read through. In fact, it may function a lot like the study notes do in my study bible. For most, the format and the nature of the book will be disappointing.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Book Review of Miracles are for Real by James L. Garlow and Keith Wall

Miracles are For Real: What Happens when Heaven Touches Earth
By James L. Garlow and Keith Wall
ISBN 978-0-7642-0907-9
Published by Bethany House
Reviewed by Clint Walker

Many people, although they believe in Jesus, do not really believe in the miraculous. Even those who do believe in miracles in general often have a hard time hoping and trusting that God can do the miraculous in their lives. James Garlow and Keith Wall believe that this should not be so. In their book Miracles are For Real they are argue that miracles are for today, and that they are surprisingly more common than we usually expect.

It is easiest to describe this book as having three parts. The first part of the book makes the case for miracles in the everyday lives of believers and in communities of faith. The second part of the book expends considerable effort describing how miracles work. A third part of the book confronts some faulty thinking and misconceptions of how miracles work.

What I like about this book is its sensitivity to real life questions such as: Why haven't I received my miracle I had prayed for? or Why do so many supernatural things seem to keep happening for the same few people? Thinking through and answering these questions is difficult. I did not always like everything about how the authors answered these concerns, but I am very thankful they attempted to confront them.

I think Miracles are For Real would be a great book for two groups of people. First, I would love to see newer believers read this book. Secondly, I would love to see this book get into the hands of people with real questions about the power of prayer. 

Book Review of Baptists Through the Centuries by David W. Bebbington

By David Bebbington

ISBN 978-1-60258-204-0

Reviewed by Clint Walker

Baptist identity has been at the heart of a lot of discussions in Baptist churches and seminaries in the last several years, especially in American Baptist and Southern Baptist circles. It only makes sense, then, that Baptists need to do a careful job of understanding and communicating about their history. David Bebbington, a church historian from England that has been teaching Baptist History at Truett Theological Seminary, has written an excellent book on the subject. Baptists Through the Centuries:A History of a Global People is even-handed, balanced, well-organized, and thoughtful. It is a book I would recommend to anyone wanting to know where Baptists come from, what they have been about, and what that means for Baptist and American churches today.

The first several chapters of the book attempt to cover one formational issue for Baptists in each century.  Then, as the author moves toward the late nineteenth century through the early twenty-first century, he tackles several topics in recent Baptist history that have effected how Baptists see themselves and do ministry.

As I read, I was hooked by the first chapter. Much of this chapter was about whether Baptist churches have their roots in Anabaptist or Separatist history. This was helpful for me to think about, mostly because I do have some Anabaptist leanings. What I discovered is what I suspected, namely that the family tree that the Baptists were born out is much broader and more dynamic than some historians would have their readers believe.

I was also intrigued about the Baptists rather slow acceptance of revivalism in both America and Europe. Given the amount of churches I have attended that are Baptist and have spoken about revivals, love gospel songs, and long, drawn-out invitations I expected this way of worshipping to at the core of Baptist development from the start. In fact, it was not.

Bebbington’s approach to the Baptist identity/freedoms issue is surprisingly balanced considering he is writing for Baylor University Press. He rightly appreciates Shurden’s
Four Fragile Freedoms as an important work in the ongoing battle between fundamentalists and those who are not as “confessional”, but does not go so far as to endorse it as a landmark historical summary of Baptist belief and history. He also points out that Baptist churches have developed with more episcopal-styled church governments in places such as Moldova, and other formerly communist countries.

All in all, I appreciated Bebbington’s writing. Baptists Through the Centuries: A History of a Global People is appreciative of Baptist history and development without being overwhelming. It is wise and honest, and deftly avoids agenda-driven pitfalls that many American authors bring to their discussions of what it means to be Baptist. In other words, Bebbington is a good, honest historian that deserves to be heard by a broad audience.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Book Review of Christian Music: A Global History by Tim Dowley

 Christian Music: A Global History
By Tim Dowley
ISBN 978-08006-9841-6
Reviewed by Clint Walker

Each and every week, throughout the country, churches are discussing what “worship style” their congregation should embrace. Some people believe that churches should embrace a more “contemporary” style, following recent trends in secular and worship music and bringing those musical styles into the church. Others embrace a more “traditional” style of worship, believing that they are reflecting a historic faith by the songs they sing. Both people who are traditional and people who are more contemporary could benefit by reading Tim Dowley’s Christian Music, which describes historic contributions to and development of music in the church.

Many persons who might embrace a more traditional worship style will be surprised how the way people do church music and worship has changed throughout the centuries. Christian Music tracks them all. From the pre-Christian worship of the Ancient Hebrews, to the chant of the early church, on to the radical revolutions in the way churches incorporated worship after the Reformation and beyond, Dowley clearly demonstrates that worship in the Christian church has always been changing and evolving.

Persons who embrace a more contemporary style will be impressed with how similar the concerns and goals of historical church musicians were to their own. Many of the revival songs that we now understand as “traditional” because of their instrumentation were actually attempts and presenting Christian music to nonbelievers in a way that would be easy for them to both sing and understand.

This book is certainly a pleasure to hold in one’s hand. The pages are thick. The text is filled with high quality photographs of artwork and worship settings that skillfully illustrate each era in the development of church music. The text is well footnoted. It also has a nice index. Christian Music works hard to cover the theological and cultural diversity of church music as it has developed.

I only have one disappointment. This book billed as a global resource. Much of the discussion of church music in a “global” sense makes it into each chapter through a small article that serves as an interlude between sections in the book. I would have liked to have known more about the development of church music outside of Western Civilization in more depth.

Over all though, Christian Music would make a wonderful book to own and read, as well as a great textbook. If I had a coffee table, I would say it would be a good coffee table book as well with the fine artistic sensibility the book presents. This book is both smart and classy. I loved it!

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Book Review of Understanding Your Mormon Neighbor by Ross Anderson

Understanding Your Mormon Neighbor
by Ross Anderson
ISBN 9780310329268
Published by Zondervan
Reviewed by Clint Walker

When I was in high school, the community I lived in had a very well-attended Mormon church. Many of my coaches and peers attended the LDS church. As a young evangelical, there were several times where I attempted to engage in dialogue with my LDS teachers and peers. What I discovered is that doctrinal discussions were very difficult, and that when we did get somewhere as we talked we found that we were using similar words and terms in different ways.

As I grew older, I discovered that Mormons and evangelicals often seem to talk over one another instead of with one another about matters of faith. Discussions about and with Mormons among mainline and evangelical Christians often seems to degenerate into attempting to win an argument instead of seeking to relate to and understand one another. Ross Anderson, in his book   Understanding Your Mormon Neighbor, attempts to guide Christians in more productive approaches to building relationships and creating disciples in a Mormon context.

As I read this book, I discovered that Ross Anderson was a wise guide in setting me and other evangelicals on the right track in both building stronger relationships with our LDS friends, as well as sharing our faith with Mormons in such a way that we communicate clearly. One thing that was especially helpful in Understanding Your Mormon Neighbor was understanding Mormonism both as a culture and as a religion, much like Judaism, only with a much shorter documented history (p. 13). In the same chapter, Anderson also discusses why using the term "cult" to describe Mormonism, while it may be technically correct in terms of Christian orthodoxy, is unhelpful and misleading to use because of the terms other definitions of the word  and popular stereotypes of what cults do to their adherents (p. 20-22). This book also describes the fluid nature of LDS doctrine, and how that makes discussions of doctrinal truth difficult, and often different from Mormon to Mormon (p. 29-31).

Each chapter is more and more helpful. It is obvious that Ross Anderson, as a former LDS adherent, both loves and extends a lot of understanding and grace to Mormon people. He approaches being a minister and missionary in a Mormon setting much the same as if someone was attempting to be a missionary in any other cross-cultural setting--respecting the culture, embracing its strengths and beauty, while at the same time proclaiming biblical truth in a way that challenges errors embedded in that culture.

Also, the reader needs to make sure they read the introduction and appendices of the book, which also offer interesting and helpful information in this study. This is easily the best book for Christians on standing for their faith in a Mormon context that I have ever read. I would recommend it strongly to anyone, and especially those who live in areas where the Mormon church dominates both the cultural and religious landscape.

Baby Naming Poll

The little one, the baby websites say, is about the size of a sweet potato

As the baby has been growing we have been trying to figure out baby names

So we have put together a little survey, and we are hoping you will vote. We might not go with what you vote for as a name, but we might. We are just curious.

HERE is the link. Or you can cut and paste this address to get there


Book Review of On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble

On Getting Out of Bed By Alan Noble IVP  ISBN 978-1-5140-0443-2 Reviewed by Clint Walker Have you ever gotten a good night’s sleep, and stil...