Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Special Blessings

Today, I made several visits with homebound people who live out of town.

I visited Evelyn. Evelyn is not feeling well. Her husband just passed away and she is facing several health concerns. It was a nice visit. She was so sweet to me as I left her apartment. She has been good to us, and she feels like I have been good to her.

Next I visited Helen. Much of our visit was about her sharing her memories, and asking about folks in the church and its general health. As I left, she said, "Before you came we prayed for who God would send us. That God would send us a good pastor. You were an answer to prayer. Yes. You were an answer to prayer." That about moved me to tears.

Then I visited Dudley. Dudley and I visited for quite a while. He shared several stories about his upbringing, as well as about some things that are going on in his heart and mind after moving in with his doctor. As I left, I gave Dudley a hug and told him I loved him. He smiled. Then he started to cry, as he often does. "You have been a good pastor, Clint. We have had several good pastors. You have been one of them."

I left my visits feeling blessed and encouraged by each person I got to see.

I stopped at the Loaf and Jug on my way back to the house. I ran into another pastor in town. He kept putting his head on my chest saying I could not leave. Then, he stopped and said he would be against us leaving if it was not such a good opportunity for us to grow in our ministry to leave. He then shared things he appreciated about my ministry. He said, "I have heard you. You are a GOOD preacher Clint. I have always loved to hear you preach."

Each person blessed me that I saw today. It made me feel good. It made me sense that God had blessed me and my ministry here, even though I have sometimes doubted it.

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