Friday, March 16, 2012

Book Review of Bloodlines by John Piper

Bloodlines: Race, Cross and the Christian
By John Piper
ISBN 978-1433528521
Published by Crossway Books
Reviewed by Clint Walker

I have read several of John Piper's books. I am never neutral about any of them. Some of his books I find myself in profound disagreement with, especially in regard to the egalitarian/complimentarian debate. Other books by Piper I have found extremely edifying. I place the book Bloodlines: Race, Cross and the Christian among those that I would recommend to anyone. Among Piper's books, I would place it second to Desiring God in its power, clarity of communication, and importance.

In this book, Piper openly shares how he came to the place where he felt he needed to write Bloodlines, and how his personal issues influence his interest and passion on the issues of racial and ethnic equality and justice, especially within the family of God. Many people will find the first few chapters, which share about Piper's personal journey on this issue, highly compelling and worth the price of the book. Those readers will also learn that his passion for this issue has had a profound impact on his life and his family. Piper has not just chosen to preach about this issues, he has also found ways to practice what he preaches.

Piper also clearly explains why racist attitudes are antithetical to the gospel of Jesus, and poisonous to the family of God. He approaches concerns about race from a number of angles, over and over again sharing about how the Bible speaks to this sin in our lives and in our society as a whole.

In the final few chapters of the book, Piper has chosen to address real-life issues in our society and in our churches that our influenced by our racial attitudes. Some of these issues are issues where he has had a conversion of sorts from his younger years. The appendices continue to aid readers in dealing with the issue in their congregations and everyday lives as well.

All in all a good book. And one that deserves a broad audience.

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