Friday, August 03, 2012

Book Review of What's Next? by H. Norman Wright

What's Next?: Navigating Transitions to Make the Rest of Your Life Count
By H. Norman Wright
ISBN 978-0-7642-0963-5
Bethany House Publishers
Reviewed By Clint Walker

Renowned therapist, counselor and author H. Norman Wright has written a new book recently that deserves special note. The book is called What's Next?, and it talks about navigating through midlife and moving toward the later years of one's adulthood.

Midlife is a place in life that many people get "stuck", sometimes depressed, and have difficult times navigating through. Wright acknowledges many of the difficulties of midlife, including dealing with grief and the empty nest, career challenges, dealing with boomerang kids coming back home again, as well as the struggles of having to be single again or remarried. He shares how different marriage is during midlife, and the challenges that creates.

What I appreciate about What's Next? is that it does not get mired down in the difficulties. Nor does it lecture people that they just have to stay strong in their faith during the temptations of mid-life. Instead, avoiding either of these extremes, it calls people to see hope and possibility at the other side of midlife and late adult transition. He acknowledges that there are very real challenges in midlife, but he encourages people to get stronger through these challenges, and eventually see them as fruitful time instead of wasted time.

I am not in midlife yet, and when I am in the middle of the struggle I might not read a book about it. But if I read a book about that stage of life, this would be a good place to start. It is good at helping people feel like they are not alone in the struggles of midlife, while at the same times opening their eyes to new vistas during mid-life transition. Cannot ask for much more than that.

(this book was reviewed in exchange for an honest review)

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