Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Catechism study as spiritual formation: Part 1

I never know quite how to explain what my Sunday School class is about. I never know quite how to sell it.

We are studying the Heidelberg Catechism. One Sunday's teachings at a time.

At the same I am studying the Catechism myself. And I have been captured by Question 1, and first sentence of its answer.

What is my only comfort in life and death?
That I am not my own, but belong--body and soul, in life and in death--to my faithful savior Jesus Christ.

Many people tell me, Clint, you will enjoy this because you enjoy theological discussion and heady stuff.  Which I have a hard time arguing with, because I do enjoy the life of the mind. But it is not just my mind which is moved as I read the catechism.

What is my only comfort in life and death?
That I am not my own, but belong--body and soul, in life and in death--to my faithful savior Jesus Christ.

These words cut to the heart! What is my only comfort? Where is my heart? Where is my allegiance focused? To Jesus. It is my ONLY comfort when living or dying. Wow.

So often I have tried to comfort myself with other things. Am I lying when I recite the catechism? No, I am not. Instead, I am reminded where to look for help. Who to trust. What I stand for, and why I stand in the faith I stand in.

That doesn't just make me think. It moves my heart.

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