Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Book Review of Body and Soul by M. Craig Barnes

Body and Soul: Reclaiming the Heidelberg Catechism
by M. Craig Barnes
ISBN 978-1-59255-745-5
Faith Alive Christian Resources and Congregational Ministries Publishing
Reviewed by Clint Walker

For the last several months I have been journeying with a Sunday School class in a study of the Heidelberg Catechism in the hopes that I would be able to help some members of our congregation get grounded in basic Christian beliefs, and help myself go deeper in my knowledge of the faith at the same time.

There are several books I am able to use that get me in and out of each Sunday's questions and answers so that I will be able to explain each part of the catechism set aside for each Lord's Day with clarity and intelligence. Body and Soul does something different. In this fine book M. Craig Barnes leads us through the heart of the Catechism, helping us to understand and feel the good news of God's grace in his word and in this important summary of Christian teaching. His love of others and of the catechism knits together the ancient documents meaning with contemporary stories and down-to-earth explanation.

I have proudly added this reflection on the Heidelberg with the other texts on my shelf that teach about the catechism. I will return to it again and again.

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