Thursday, May 16, 2013

Book Review of Revealing Jesus by Darlene Zschech

Revealing Jesus: A 365 Day Devotional
by Darlene Zschech
ISBN 978-0-7642-1120-1
Bethany House Publishers
Reviewed by Clint Walker

Most people who know of Darlene Zschech know of her as the star of the Hillsong Australia movement. This is a movement of contemporary worship, written from within an evangelical and Pentecostal milieu. Few people know that she is also the co-pastor of a church on the coast of Australia. Fewer still that she is an author of books.

Pastor Zschech has recently released a devotional designed to help people know Jesus better, and fall in love with Jesus all over again. In Revealing Jesus, each day's study begins with a verse, then a devotional thought is shared, and after thought a brief prayer is prescribed for the reader to pray. In other words, the devotional has a pretty traditional format.

What is well-done about Revealing Jesus is that throughout the year of study, Zschech takes on some pretty useful series' of study. For instance, there is a rather extensive look at Revelation in November. In another month, the names of God are focused upon. And, at the end of every month a classic devotion written by a devotional master of days gone by.

The book is bound in a durable hardcover. This is good because the devotional will last through years of use and abuse. The layout of the pages are appealing, although I think they are perhaps more appealing to women than to men.

This is a great book to guide one's quiet time. I think it would be an especially good gift from a grandmother to her grandchild, or to a recent graduate of high school who is a believer in Jesus. The book has a lot to teach the heart about worship, and the mind about love for the Lord.

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