Monday, April 14, 2014

Book Review of the Briarpatch Gospel

The Briarpatch Gospel: Fearlessly Following Jesus into the Thorny Places
by Shayne Wheeler
ISBN 978-1-4143-7230-3
Tyndale Momentum
Reviewed by Clint Walker

Too often we treat God's grace like an entitlement instead of a gift. Often, when we have this attitude, we think we are entitled to have an easy, stress-free, and pain-free life. The problem with this line of thinking is that is both unrealistic, and it does not form us into the grace-grounded and Christ-dependent people that God is calling us to be.

Shayne Wheeler invites us to trust God in the difficult moments and periods of our life, and to trust him as we enter into the thicket of pain, heartache, and struggle. Furthermore, he encourages believers to take their own faith into those not-so-ideal places and friendships within which they work and live and play.

I enjoyed this book because it is about living our faith authentically in the places in our own lives and in our world where there might be the most darkness. It is in those places where Christ's light shines most clearly, and Christian faith becomes most practical and real.

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