Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Book Review of Overwhelmed by Perry Noble

Overwhelmed: Winning the War Against Worry
by Perry Noble
ISBN 978-1-4143-6886-3
Reviewed by Clint Walker

We all worry. For some of us, worry motivates us to do the right thing, or gets us off the couch. But for others, their is an unhealthy stress, worry, anxiety or whatever you want to call it that seems to have a negative effect on our happiness and the course of our lives. Perry Noble knows that paralyzing worry, and he has found ways to both deal with it, and at times with God's help overcome this overwhelming anxiety.

Each of the chapters in the book is relatively short. Noble talks about how anxiety has an influence on our decisions, including sinful ones. He also offers practical advice to get unstuck in one's worry battle. There are several friends I might hand this book to, and there are times when I might need to pick it up myself.

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