My current church is the first church I have had a significant role in that had a Stewardship campaign, and that thought about having a stewardship plan. Most of the churches I have served have had some sort of Stewardship Team, but that team basically managed money. It did not seek to set a vision, have a plan, or address issues.
When we were first discussing such matters as church, I was asked about what training I had about such matters. What were the trade magazines saying? What conferences have I went to on such matters. Well, I had attended a few workshops on best practices for collection and disbursement of funds, and had a few discussions, and some mentoring on the issue. I knew of no workshops on the issue, and knew of no big programs that get old, declining mainline churches quick infusions of cash. So I was stumped and frustrated. So I began to learn about stewardship.
Since that point, I have done a little study, and learned more about church finance. One thing that one begins to learn rather quickly, however, is that across denominations there are different cultures of giving. In my experience in different denominations, Methodists like getting a high overhead going back to the denomination, and then they want you to give more to missions. The Presbyterians in Hot Springs are well funded, but like to hoard their money in endowments. Baptists in each of my churches feel good if they can make budget and give 10 percent to missions related activities, including denominational support.
Much of the literature I have comes from Methodism, which challenges a lot of my Baptist thinking. Especially different in Methodist life is the prominent role of the pastor in being aware of individual giving, and tracking issues in that regard.
Recently, a ministry colleague asked what resources people were using in stewardship. Here are the ones that are on my shelf. No reviews. Just a bibliography.
Here are a few of the resources I have on church stewardship
Robert Schnase--Practicing Extravagant Generosity, The Five Practices of Fruitful Living, The Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations (the advantage of this stuff is that there is so much in the way of resources to support the program and philosophy)
Adam Hamilton: Enough--Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity
J. Clif Christopher--Not Your Parents Offering Plate, Whose Offering Plate is It?
Christian Smith et. al--Passing the Plate: Why Americans Don't Give Away More Money
Kelly Kapic and Justin Borger--God So Loved, He Gave
The Rev. Charles Cloughen Jr.--One Minute Stewardship Sermons
Randy Alcorn--The Treasure Principle
Andy Stanley--Fields of Gold
Kristine Miller and Scott McKenzie--Bounty: Ten Ways to Increase Giving
Margaret Marcuson--Money and Your Minstry
Brad Formsma-- I Like Giving
I have also found being involved in non-profits to be helpful. For instance, seeing the way the United Way approached fundraising I thought was insightful and helpful in many ways.
What resources have you found?