Monday, August 04, 2014

Book Review of Get Your Teenager Talking by Jonathan McKee

Get Your Teenager Talking: Everything You Need to Spark Meaningful Conversations
by Jonathan McKee
ISBN 978-0-7642-1185-0
Bethany House
Reviewed by Clint Walker

This book is a good book with a relatively simple idea. In Get Your Teenager Talking Jonathan McKee has offered a very practical discussion guide to get adults visiting with young people.

The guide begins with some general tips about starting conversations with teenagers. I don't think it is awful hard, but I am aware than many people do.

Then there are 180 conversation starters. These conversation starters begin with an open question designed to get conversation and dialogue started. Most of the questions are pretty interesting, and would even be good questions to ask at a dinner with friends.
In each conversation the reader is also given an insight to guide their listening with each conversation. After that, there are also some follow up questions, as well as as some more questions that push the conversation to a deeper and more personal and intimate level.

I would think this book would be an excellent resource in a number of settings. It might be helpful in a family devotion time with teenagers. It might also be very helpful in a small group, or as an icebreaker conversation in a fairly inactive youth group. However, I think its original design is just to get parents and kids talking with each other about issues and situations that matter in their lives. I will both keep this book and share it with others. Not very many books are quite so practical.

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