Tuesday, September 22, 2020

You've got the gift

I think that the concept of spiritual giftedness in Scripture is greatly misunderstood. 

First, I don't think that the lists in different parts of Scripture are an exhaustive list of all potential spiritual gifts. The lists are examples, with specific gifts mentioned because they are the most prominent in that community. This does not mean that the classic spiritual gift inventory is a misguided venture. As a matter of fact, I think these quizzes really help people think about the unique contributions they can make. I just don't think we should say that everybody's gifts and gift mixes are always going to fit into the model of first century church labels and funtion.

Secondly, I think giftedness is contextual to the given group of believers you are a part of. God either creates or highlights different gift mixes in different contexts. When I was a 25 year old just out of seminary, I drove our church secretary nuts with my lack of administrative skills, but teaching and leadership gifts came to the forefront. Now that I am 47, my doctoral supervisor says that I have the gift leading our cohort in organization. When I was in my early 30s, I recieved feedback that my preaching skills were lacking. Yet, in this church and my previous congregation, people mentioned my preaching abilities as an area of giftedness. I could go on and on. God raises up certain gifts at certain times for specific needs and contexts. They are for the body of Christ, not just one individual.

What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Why?

What gifts and abilities have come to the forefront as you have participated in Christian community, no matter what its form?

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