Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Controlling the Squirrel

I have stated in a previous post that we are all part squirrel. Now I want to share with you one way I tame the squirrel.

First of all I have a confession to make. There are times when I just want to shop for shopping sake. I want to go purchase something nice for myself just as a treat. But I do not have enough money to be a high-maintenence squirrel, chasing after big shiny things. So what do I do?

To control the squirel I shop for cheap shiny things. Most often, I shop specifically for pens. Sharpie minis. Sharpie mini highlighters. Staples Xeno pens. Whatever the pen is, I like pens. And one package of pens can often soothe that need to shop for something fun and shiny for only a few bucks.

So, I always have lots of pens in my backpack.

How do you tame the squirrel-like desire to accumulate new shiny things?


Oricon Ailin said...

This is really funny. I always say I have an "office supply addiction".

I buy pens, notepads, markers, folders, everything! I just have this need to have lots of pens. The neater they are, the more I want them.

Are you sure we aren't made from the same mold??? heheh

SUPER said...

I don't control it ..not very well anyway. I tend to buy what it was I wanted..and then regret it later!

Or...I try to walk around with it in the store for a while...usually the longer I walk around, the easier it is for me to realize I should PUT IT BACK!

San Nakji said...

Through inner conflict! Arrrggghhh! It's happening right now!

Pens are nice ;o)

rubyslipperlady said...

Scrapbooking supplies. Particularly albums and paper. It's an addiction really. And now I've decided to sell it? Was that really a good decision. HELL YA!

Gretchen said...

That is so funny! I understand the "squirrel" mentality. My need for new and shiny stuff manifests itself in hair products and makeup. I can't even go near Sephora which is all about the shiny yummy smelling products.

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