Monday, January 31, 2011

Slogging Along

This week was marked by slow progress on the weight loss front. This was disappointing, but probably to be expected


Jennifer and I did our measurments for the first time in three weeks. I was ok with the progress, but confused about the areas where I seemed to regress.

I lost two inches in the last two weeks in both my belly/waist and in my chest. I lost an inch in my biceps (might have to return tickets to the gun show). I gained over an inch in my thieghs though, and am wondering what that was about.

We will discover as the weeks progress what all this means.


This week I only lost 4 pounds. This is understandable for a number of reasons. First, I did not get in to work out. Also, although I managed my portions well, my schedule and circumstances forced me to eat less healthily.


33 pounds lost since 1/5.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Way to go, Clint! I know 4 pounds isn't the 11 from last time, but it sounds like you know pretty much why! I just keep thinking of you two getting healthier and heathier for that sweet sweet baby! Jun is why I continue to strive for HEALTH! Now, I need to get up and WALK today!

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