Monday, April 18, 2011

Book Review of Max on Life by Max Lucado


By Max Lucado

Published by Thomas Nelson

Reviewed by Clint Walker


Max Lucado is a prolific author that has encouraged and inspired millions. Often taking on a specific theme or section of Scripture, Lucado writes in a fashion that makes the Bible narrative exciting and meaningful to people who might otherwise find it dull and difficult to understand.


Lucado's latest book, to be released on Tuesday April 19, is Max on Life. What the book consists of are questions that people have written to Max Lucado about life, faith and theology. All totalled, the book answers 172 questions that were asked. It also includes an addendum that answers a number of questions about writing and how to get published.


The supporting resources at the back of the book are plentiful. It has both a scripture and a subject index. The publisher has also added a guide to Lucado's books by subject in the back of the book.


As I read through this book, I thought that this book would be an enlightening and fun book for a Sunday School class or small group at some point. The group could easily take the book, and the questions and answers, and use it as a resource to have a discussion of basic Christian beliefs.


If you are a fan of Max Lucado, this is a great book to have. It would also be a good book for people who are wanting to learn more about their faith, and how to think and live like a Christian in twenty-first century America.


1 comment:

Amrita said...

Greetings from India Fra Tucks, I enjoyed glacing through your excellent blog. I will come back and read up on the 7 last words of Christ from the Cross. I am preaching on the 1st and 5th on Good Friday in my church.

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