Saturday, September 17, 2005

New Additions to my blogroll

There are two new additions to my blogroll.

One is Michele, who fell of the face of the earth for several months while moving. Now she and her family are in their new log cabin, and have a computer up and running again! This is great news, since their home was supposed to take a summer to build and has instead taken over 3 years. They had been living as a family of 5 in a small 2 bedroom apartment. She blogs her life as a homeschool teacher, a mother of 3, and being the wife of a fireman. Michele lives in the Springhill area of the Gallatin County, and was a youth leader and member of my church I served in Montana.

The other is Insomniac. Insomniac is a somewhat crude, sarcastic young man that blogs about his struggles and joys of faith. The crude, sarcastic and witty stuff is what makes his blog irresistable.He lives in Orlando, home of Campus Crusade for Christ.

Coming soon in this department...

1 comment:

Travis Greene said...

Thanks for the shout-out, yo. I am crude.

Book Review of On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble

On Getting Out of Bed By Alan Noble IVP  ISBN 978-1-5140-0443-2 Reviewed by Clint Walker Have you ever gotten a good night’s sleep, and stil...