Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Oscars Got it Right

My mother, her friend, and I watched this movie Tuesday night. We watched the end and we just looked at one another and said "WOW!" Over and over again we just thought and said "WOW!"

Strangely, as I watched this, the movie Collateral came to mind.

There is a lot to think about after watching the movie. Racism is shown to be rampant at every turn. There is this sense that even the best people in the story have a bit of evil in them, and even the most distasteful characters are not too far away from doing some of the most virtuous things. There is also this sense of disconnection and lonliness that pervades this movie, which is becoming more and more prevalent of a theme in movies, especially movies set in Los Angeles.

I am still thinking about and mulling over this movie, and think it may be something that is well worth buying instead of just renting a few times.


Brotha Buck said...

It was a good movie. I kept wondering what I would have done in that same situation as the black man who witnessed the policeman molest his wife. Dang, I just dont know what I would have done. He would have been killed had he defended his wife, but his wife needed to be defended.

San Nakji said...

I have to say I could never watch this movie. Sandra Bullock makes me sick. I know I should see it... but.... Well, you know

rubyslipperlady said...

I would love to own this movie (although it doesn't make sense without owning a TV). It was powerful. Disturbing. Painful. Excellent. Challenging. It will be one I watch more than once for sure.

There is a lot to process there though, isn't there.

Friar Tuck said...

I love Sandra Bullock. She can sit on my lap anytime.

@BB--Yeah I think that situation would be difficult. What did your wifey say you should have done in that situation? I guess I didnt think he would have gotten killed, but he would have gotten a beatdown.

Friar Tuck said...

@Amy--yes there is. It is deserving of an academy award, that is for sure.

Brea said...

I just saw this movie recently too. It is by far one of my fav. movies of all times. Wait until you watch it the second time, it gets better.

feels good b n FREE said...

crash was a great movie...
hopefully it will help promote discussion and change...
it's so gripping because it's real.

i loved it

Gossip Cowgirl said...

I had the exact same thought. I couldn't speak for was just "wow" and "wow" and then some heavy thinking after that. Intense film!!

MZPEACH said...

You review was poetic. Great post!

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