Friday, April 07, 2006


Somebody wanted to get past me while I was sitting here. And, for some reason I decided to sit "indian style". It is not something I have done with any level of comfort in about 7 years. Maybe even if I dont look that much thinner, there is at least a little bit of progress being made with regular exercise.

Then this reminded me of something else. Three times in the last three months I got in a hurry and started jogging. I had also not jogged voluntarily in years. I thought hmmmm.....maybe there is a little growth happening here.


Superstar Nic said...

Congrats on the weight loss and getting in that exercise! That’s great ;-) I’ve been losing a few pounds myself. If I could just get in more exercise, I would really be doing good.

Have a great weekend!

SUPER said...

Woo-Hoo! Go CLINT! Any progress is great progress. And truly, the slower it comes off...the more apt it is to STAY off...scientifically proven! Darn good thing too since I've been working on it for over 2 years! ha

Len said...

baby steps, baby steps. Keep stepping baby! :-)

Brotha Buck said...

Clint, what you mean not jogging "voluntarily"? You mean the other times, you jogged at gunpoint?

Drea Inspired said...

Now that really did brighten my day.

I'm excited about your progress! Don't down play it. Be proud. Whether or not others are aware, progress is progress, and progress is always good!


Brea said...

ANY progress is good. Keep it up!

feels good b n FREE said...

lovin it!!

San Nakji said...

The problem with jogging is that it is so boring and pointless. Good luck, I just can't do it...

rubyslipperlady said...

I hate it when people make me jog a gunpoint.

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