Saturday, March 31, 2007

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David Cho said...

I often wonder what my dog is up to when I am a sleep. Gets on the internet and blogs about his horrible owner?

rubyslipperlady said...

RUBY! THis has got to be what that rat dog of yours is doing. Josie, bad dog!

SUPER said...

My dogs are duds..if I'm asleep,they're asleep..or at least laying down with me. Ofcourse, until they need to go out. Then they jump on me, whine, shake, or stick their cold nose up to my nose.

San Nakji said...

Well, you know what my dog thinks ;)

Leesa said...

I always wondered why some dogs have the shakes.

Drea Inspired said...

the new page is cute. how are ya? well, I hope.

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