Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pulpit Rock Hike

This summer we are doing some hiking with our youth. We have a very kind man who has initiated this ministry, and it has been exciting to see him pitch in and get excited about a project tied in with youth ministry.

Our first hike, for most hikers, is an easy hike. Not so for me. I tried to hike it with my friend who is leading this hike, and was challenged. (I guess any hike for a fat asthmatic at high elevations during allergy season is a challenge) And since it was not the actual hike, I skipped the hard part. Last Sunday, we did the hike for real. We did not have a great turn out of youth (some folks were busy, some don't like to hike), but the folks that did come had a good time of a "prayer path" experience of hiking up the mountain bit by bit while praying as we went.

I was happy because I made it to the top, did not fall down (like I did on the practice run), and got to spent some quality time with the few people who wanted to show up.


Anonymous said...

This sounds great. And the exercise will help so much ... though at first you'll wonder if it is worth it!!

Stunning view :)

Gretchen said...

What a beautiful area! I've found that no matter how difficult, the hike is always worth it when you get to the end.

Drea Inspired said...

nice pics!

Brotha Buck said...

Looks like so much fun! I'd like to do something like that.

rubyslipperlady said...

Like it! This makes me really want to be in the Springs! I am a bit jealous, I admit.

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