Friday, June 22, 2007

I am the Grim Reaper

I feel very badly. I have prayed for two people to die in the last two months, two people who are prominent Christian leaders, and they both have passed away.

A couple of months ago I saw Jerry Falwell on some television show spouting off his.. well..evil, intolerant, right-wing garbage and was getting angry as he was sharing about the importance of killing Muslims. In line with our inside joke, I turned to Jen and said, "I apologize for my people". (An inside joke: My people=right wing kooks, her people=every left wing nut job special interest groups.)A few moments later I said outloud something to this effect. "Lord, please just take him home. He has had a nice full life. Just take him home." A little over a week later I turned on the radio, and he was dead.

Having not learned my lesson, I recently prayed a similar prayer in a more compassionate sense. Having heard a rerun of a segment on Larry King Live with Billy Graham where he said that she was having a difficult time, and struggled to recognize anyone, I asked God in a brief prayer if he would take her into eternity. Less than a week later, Ruth Graham was also dead as well.

So, I feel a little guilty about Jerry, and not as much about Ruth. Strangely, although God does not answer all my prayers with expediency, this prayer when I pray it seems to have a grisly efficiency. Especially when I do this based upon an immediate, almost impulse-based prompting. And although these are the cases that stick in my mind lately, they are not the only ones. When led to pray for people in my congregations at certain times in this manner, they often die fairly soon after I pray this as well. With the exception of Mr. Falwell, these are all generally folks that are elderly and terminally ill.

Is this creepy or what?


David Cho said...

Can I send you my wishlist?

Yeah, the anti-Muslim rants. Getting reeeeeaaaaaaalllly old.

Aphra said...

That is quite a gifting that God has given you ;) I hope you use your gift wisely!

Anonymous said...

I would like to ask you NOT to pray for me!! At all!!! Just in case!!!

SUPER said...

Ummmm...yeah. I'm gonna hope you leave me off that list too! ha

Anonymous said...

mmm what Aphra said :)

but unlike Stephen I wouldn't mind meeting our maker - so pray for me if you dare :)

Oricon Ailin said...

Oh my goodness!! Ummm, I'd like to be healed and live for a very long time. Could you pray for me? Just don't pray for my untimely death, okay??? *smiles*

San Nakji said...

Power! ha ha ha (evil laughter). I have a list I would like you to check out please :)

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! I have been feeling like I've been the grim reaper for like two months now.But I've never heard anything like that!please tell me more or any of you tell me stories my email is .I wish i could do something like that.plzz any of you send me an email like that story.

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