Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Last Sunday we participated in an activity called "Crop Walk" at our church. Basically it is a fundraising walk that helps combat world hunger and local homelessness. Our youth joined in with the walk, as did other people from our church as well as 14 other churches throughout our community. CROP stands for Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty. In total, our church had 26 people contributing $880 dollars to the cause. Most of that was raised by our teens.

This first picture is of Dawn Martinez, Reggie Hale, my fiance Jennifer and I. The total walk was just over 3.7 miles. Dawn, Jennifer and I finished just ahead of the 70 year old women with walkers.

The second picture is of James and Reggie resting and waiting for their youth leaders (Jen, Dawn and I) after they finished the walk.

The third picture is of Tiffany and Lindsay. They are both 8th grade girls. They finished strong and had fun!

This is a picture of Julia, one of our high school gals that hates to have her picture taken.

This is a picture of me with a full water bottle just before we left on our walk. It is important to stay hydrated when it is over 80 degrees and you are walking in a big crowd!


SUPER said...

Our church in Liberal used to do this every year. It was always so fun! We usually had a great group participating too. I haven't heard of it in awhile though. Looks like you all had fun and raised a lot!

rubyslipperlady said...

Hydration is important. I've been dehydrated enough once on this adventure that I had to take ORS. disgusting.

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