Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Six word summary

I was tagged by Sue to do a meme.

This meme has simple directions, but takes a lot of work.

Here it is: Summarize your life in six words.

I am trying to abbreviate my personal mission statement to fit the word designation.

Here that is:

Living in unconventional beauty for Jesus

What would your six word summary of me be?

And how would you summarize this?

I am supposed to tag six people to do this same exercise.

I tag:
Steve Buie
Mike Devries


Gossip Cowgirl said...

There's actually a book out called "Six Word Memoirs", put out by Smith Magazine based on an Ernest Hemingway fable. They're fun. We do them regularly at Writer's Group. My friend Mary did a fantastic one (even though it's not Jesus-y) last week: "cloistered vamp disrobes chauvenism, celebrates orgasm." I loved it. I did several that I like, several that I don't. Here are some of my favorites:

renaissance woman seeks other, finds self

missed opportunities mean little in hindsight

curious border girl, at home everywhere

But this was my favorite of mine:

"Irreverent Rebel Seeks Enlightenment, Becomes Reverend."

I thought you would appreciate that...

Erin said...

Love your six words!

stephanie said...

Here is my six word summary of you:

Uncommon joy in a comfortable presence.

Steve said...

wow, this is kind of difficult.

It's hard to think of one.

maybe I'm just trying to hard.


I'll just have to try harder.

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