Monday, July 07, 2008

Political and Pastoral

There is this man in my church. His name is John. John is a tall cowboy from about 9 miles north of us. He works in a shop doing mechanical and maybe some construction work.

John has been talking to me a lot about the Pinon Canyon Expansion. He wants me to put a bumper sticker in my car saying I am against the Pinon Canyon Expansion. This has put me in quite a quandry.

On one hand, I agree pretty strongly with the ranchers, indians and environmentalists as they stand against the encroachment of Fort Carson into much of Southeastern Colorado. There is a lot of talk about the Federal Government using imminent domain to force thousands of farmers of their tens of thousands of acres.

On the other hand, as a pastor, I think I set a pretty dangerous precident, especially this early in my ministry, if I begin to identify myself with political causes and poltical action groups. Even if I passionately agree with them.

So I am a little stuck in a quandry. And, I don't know how I am going to deal with it quite yet.


Erin said...

Your primary responsibility is to the 'least of these'. If you try to be inoffensive to everyone, you may not commit professional suicide, but you certainly will do yourself spiritual damage.

Seek justice, Tuck. Always land on the side of justice.

Anonymous said...

This is a tough decision. I would probably stay out of it, as it is important to remain neutral.

David Cho said...

That is a tough one. I would stay out of it. If you do believe that the cause is right, there certainly are other creative ways to help it out without officially lining up yourself with the movement.

But there may come to a point where an organized political movement is the only way to get some people's attention.

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