Saturday, July 12, 2008

Think about it

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I saw this young boy this morning coming out of the carnival, and I turned to my wife and said, "That is just wrong on so many levels." She agreed. We also agreed I must write about what is so messed up about this image soon.

Let us start with the most obvious. There is an image of a boy with a balloon in the shape of a gun, with an American flag decorating the gun. This communicates to a very young child that being a happy and good American means that you are willing to go and kill others. That should be an adult decision made with much fear and trepidation. It communicates from the beginning that carnivals and fairs, funnell cakes and moving into Iraq in a blatant act of millitary aggression without real cause are all a part of the same thing. How sad.

Second, you need to note that the gun is in the shape of a machine gun. It would be different if the gun was a little rifle or something. No, instead it is in the shape of an AK-47. Really, what we are giving this child is training wheels so by the time he is 18 he will already be programmed to jump right into military service.

Third, you cannot see this from this picture, but the gun's hole for the trigger is in the shape of a heart. What this communicates is when we shoot others in the military, what we are really doing is an act of love for those we are going to kill.

Then there is the fact that the pretend gun is really a baloon. A balloon? This communicates harmlessness. Like a gun is something you want to hug. Most of the people I grew up with are hunters. I did not learn much about guns from them, but one thing I did learn was a gun was something that you treated with caution and respect.

All boys play with guns, and even play guns and war. I know this. I did, most of my friends did, even the child of pacifist hippies I knew that homeschooled their kid and forbid him to ever play with guns picked up sticks and made them into guns. I dont think there is anything wrong with playing cops and robbers, laser tag, or anything like that. I have shot guns, and I hope to go hunting someday. Guns are a gift from God, and a useful tool. But I still look at this picture, and say, this is wrong on so many levels, because it ties so many powerful symbols together to communicate a frightening message.

No wonder Obama did not want to wear a flag pin on his lapel.


David Cho said...

Good post.

Some people would tell you that you are reading into it too much.

The same group of people would have a cow if the kid was carrying a doll.

Jason Bowker said...

Great post Clint. I loved the thoughts. Very disturbing picture.

reliv4life said...

I don't know about everything you said - but honestly what kind of person even thinks of making a balloon into the shape of a machine gun? that in itself is just odd.

Steve said...

Interesting observations. I'm not sure I would have picked up on some of the deeper symbolism, I'd have probably just thought it was kind of tacky.

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