Thursday, October 09, 2008

Best of far

Al Hsu's summary of David Brooks' (a well known conservative) discovery of Obama the theologian. Very interesting.

Marko's review of Jesus wants to Save Christians

Erin's Greg Boyd quote about voting

Kim's artwork

Steve's Debate Bingo--I hope we have one for the next debate because it will be really fun with time to prepare for this.


Kimberly Cangelosi said...

Hey, thanks! :P

Foggy Blogger said...

I love posts like this! It saves me alot of surfing time! ;)

Aphra said...

I'm not real strong on politics, but in Canada we have the Conservatives (which might be like your Republicans) and the Liberals (leaning toward Democrats). Then we have a number of small parties(but strong enough to take some votes away from the main party) Bloq Quebecois in Quebec and the New Democratic Party(NDP) (I think the NDP's lean is more socialist). There's also a Green Party (Environmental)

jejeel said...

Have you guys seen either of these sites yet, or Looks like Rob doing something different, again.

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On Getting Out of Bed By Alan Noble IVP  ISBN 978-1-5140-0443-2 Reviewed by Clint Walker Have you ever gotten a good night’s sleep, and stil...