Friday, October 17, 2008

Random Thoughts

  • I drove up to the hotel this evening and realized that the landscaping plan for the hotel was the cunning use of well placed rocks. Interesting decorating plan.
  • My dog is bred for hunting. He has a good nose. Strange thing is, he has very little that smells bad to him. Smells are not good or bad. They are just something to respond to, and not to judge. I wonder what would happen if we would approach the circumstances of our life with the same kind of openness. Speaking of Jake, when I had jen put me on speakerphone to talk to the dog, he nuzzled the phone and started licking it. Too cute!!
  • From the minute I begin to attend one of these "gatherings" I began to plan an escape route. What can I get away with not going to and get some alone time?
  • American Baptist Ministry Events other than youth stuff is very geriatric
  • I love the racial and ethnic diversity of our denomination
  • I am rooming with a good man, who actually chose to room with me when his wife did not make it. He is also the region president. I feel the need to be prim and proper. So I use the bathroom in the pool area .
  • A lot of large churches have special bathrooms for the senior pastor or staff in their building. I think this is because nobody wants to hear a pastor have a bowel movement, and then try and reconcile that moment with him preaching and presiding over the Lord's Table the next. Too much role confusion.


Jason Bowker said...

Good thoughts Clint. I laughed out loud, especially with your "geriatric" comment.

reliv4life said...

Hilarious!! I guess the bowel movement would take away some reverence in their still have them fooled probably! :) Love that Jake nuzzled the phone - he is undoubtedly missing laying on your smelly feet! Good thing you are there to bring down the average age in the room. I loved Green Lake because of the divercity.

Brotha Buck said...

I wish my church was a bit more diverse. But I'm staying there anyway.

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