Saturday, November 01, 2008

Obama Rally

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Today I went to the Obama rally. You will see and read more of it down below. But it was a great opportunity to be less than 50 yards away from someone who may be the next president of the United States. Even if my feet hurt, my back hurt, I was hot, and closterphobic after being stuffed in a crowd standing for 5 hours on blacktop.

This image struck me as I took it. A young black girl in a princess outfit. I am assuming she dressed up in it last night, but it seemed fitting today as well. There she was, in her princess outfit, watching a African-American man becoming president, with flags flying all around her. And as she sees him, she knows nothing is impossible for her.


Erin said...

What a beautiful shot!

Aphra said...

Someone round the block has an Obama Biden sign on their front lawn. Funny, because we are in Canada and most of us cannot have our vote swayed by a sign because we cannot vote!

jecaad said...

Very Time Life Magazine and great photograpy. You're great at catching shots of people. :)

suesun said...

Awesome photo. Better words.

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